Team Shaan Foundation - First Tee Louisville P.A.C. E. Initiative   (Programs and Access Sites for E-Learning)
Today’s children and youth are trying to learn in a challenging time. The achievement gap is widening, and JCPS NTI 2.0 brings more challenges to the youth and schools – specifically the Portland, Shawnee, Russell, Park Hill, and Chickasaw neighborhoods.
Not every child has access to reliable internet, an available parent, and the answers to difficult learning questions having a safe space, the proper tools/equipment, and a helpful adult are vital to e-learning.
The Team Shaan Foundation & The First Tee Louisville have identified a need in our community and we are proud to announce The Team Shann – First Tee Louisville PACE initiative PACE stands Programs and Access Sites for E-Learning.
On Tuesday, September 8th we will open our facility for students K through 8. This center is a safe space with access to reliable internet and computers, education facilitators, and healthy snacks for youth to do their NTI 2.0 work and get assistants if needed.
The Team Shaan – First Tee Louisville PACE center will be located at 460 Northwestern parkway Shawnee golf course clubhouse. Parents can call-in or register their child online for a 2-hour session block, up to 3 days a week Tuesday – Thursday starting Tuesday, September 8.
This is an opportunity for your child to come in and work on NTI education at no cost. For more information or you If you are a parent interested in registering your child please call First Tee Louisville at(502) 772-9494.
This is a free service for youth in the Portland, Shawnee, Russell, Park Hill, and Chickasaw neighborhoods but space and block times are limited.
Team Shann & First Tee Louisville PACE program proving RELIABLE INTERNET, EDUCATION FACILITATORS, AND HEALTHY SNACKS FOR CHILDREN in grades k-8, for JCPS nti 2.0 Starting Tuesday, September 8, at Shawnee Golf Course clubhouse. Space is limited. this service is Free of Charge provided by The Team Shaan Foundation and First Tee Louisville
If you are an educator and want to donate your time to be a PACE site facilitator please give us a call we need you!
All CDC and State Covid 19 Guidelines will be followed during block sessions.